5 New Year’s Resolutions You’ll Want To Keep This Year
For a really long time there, I wasn’t much into resolutions. With my attention span, I’m over whatever I promised to do within about 2 weeks, no matter how good for me it is. The older I get, the more I find that having a certain focus is beneficial, at least for me personally.
I have also never shied away from creating business and podcasting intentions. The word intention, to me, means that I have a full commitment to doing it, but there’s wiggle room, room for error, that my heart’s in the right place, and that I COULD be mostly there simply from wanting it.
Sadly, that doesn’t work on dieting. But I digress.
Here at Podcast Websites, we’ve given some thought as to what would make great resolutions for podcasters who want to really step out and shine in 2019. (Hey, that rhymes!)
Resolution #1: Participate in a podcasting community.
Obviously, I am partial to this resolution because I run the largest women’s podcasting community in the world. Eleven thousand women have joined my She Podcasts community and many have thanked Elsie and me for the space that we’ve created for women to learn, grow and get support. But there are many more communities too!
- There is one for past, present and future attendees of Podcast Movement here.
- Here is the one for attendees of Podfest in Orlando.
- Here’s one for “podcasters old and new” by Helen Zaltzman, called Podcaster’s Support Group
- Here’s mine, the She Podcasts group.
The benefit of joining these communities varies, depending on where you are in the process of your show. Newbies can work out problems and questions that plague us all when we first start. Intermediate podcasters can watch for tips and tricks to make their podcasting much, much easier, advanced hosts can help guide the new podcasters avoid a shaky start.
No matter where you are in the process, Facebook communities provide us all with a chance to get to know and bond with one another, something that has been invaluable for every podcaster I know. We are a special breed, and we have a lonely job sometimes, with very little instant gratification. Posting a win in a group full of people in your same boat is immensely satisfying. Give it a try!
Resolution 2: Spend a little money on a real, eye-catching design.
The very first thing I do when I have a business idea is to make a logo. And when it’s a podcast idea, I then create the cover art. I know I’m a designer by nature, but this practice really helps visualize ALL the possibilities that could come from this creation. You’ll want it to be as professional as possible because you never know when – or how – it’ll blow up and become popular.
Everyone advises people who are new that done is better than perfect. And to some extent, I agree. BUT I do think people can become complacent in “done.” “Done” should be more like “done for now.” Once you’ve had a chance to get things going, you’re always going to need to go back and revisit your design
Both of my podcasts had a terrible, horrible, ridiculous design before I went back and revisited. Yes, done is better than perfect. But nothing is better than beautiful.
As you can see from my examples, you can simplify, or, once you’re recognizable, add your face to the mix.
We’ve made it REALLY easy and inexpensive for you to be able to have professionally designed cover art that you absolutely LOVE. You can also get a logo if you haven’t got one already, or a professional pack of designs just for your social channels and posts.
I Want to Order My
New Podcast Cover Art Design, Now
Resolution #3: Uplevel your education.
One thing I’ve always been acutely aware of as a podcast marketing consultant is that podcasters only know what they need to know to host the podcast of the subject they choose. They’re not marketers, not designers, not social media gurus, not advertising executives.
But you can learn.
The most invaluable resources will ideally tell you how to have a better website, how to make your show sound even better, how to grow your show, different ways to make money.
Many of the podcasting courses out there only focus on getting the show live. You can hire a consultant, or you can join the Podcast Success Academy FOR FREE.
The Podcast Success Academy has sound design, growth, monetization, interview skills, and really, so much more. And most of the content in there is F R E E.
Join the Podcast Success Academy for FREE,
Right Now!
Even if you DON’T join our academy, there are tons of educational resources out there about email marketing, growing a business online, and so much more. But NOW is the time for you to spend a little effort on leveling up your knowledge in the areas you need.
If you prefer in-person education, then I suggest you work on:
Resolution #4: Attend a podcasting event.
Mark Asquith and I have been attending events since 2014, so almost 5 years now, and each time the experience is invaluable for a different reason than the year before.
The two events never miss, and always sponsor are Podfest put on by Chris Krimitsos and John Dennis, and Podcast Movement put on by Dan Franks and Jared Easley.
Podfest has a very family-friendly feel to it, and that’s because Chris Krimitsos had a huge networking business in Tampa before starting Podfest. He has this great way of making everyone feel welcomed and included It really does feel like once you attend, you’re part of the family. He has some really fun events, like a networking business card activity at the beginning and a roast at the end. In between there, you’ll learn every kind of skill possible, even spanning outside podcasting. Podfest focuses on multi-media as a whole, so YouTube, Instagram, Sponsorship, Community Growth, all of it is covered and so much more. We highly recommend you don’t miss it.
Sign Up To Attend Now and Use HOLIDAYGIFT at checkout – save 15% off your Podfest Ticket!
Podcast Movement was the first of its kind and has blossomed in the last 6-7 years to be THE podcasting event of the year. Everyone you could possibly think of is there, both as an attendee and exhibitor. I’ve had some crazy podcast magic at these events, besides just learning what I’ve needed to know the MOST that year. One year I got to briefly interview Marc Maron. One year I met and sat with Mimi from The Drew Carey Show. I’ve connected with hundreds of online friends at Podcast Movement, recorded some amazing episodes there, and just, in general, had a great time while upleveling my podcast and business.
We recommend you don’t miss this one, either!
Register For Your Podcast Movement 2019
Experience in Orlando, FL, Now
Resolution 5: Make a Plan for What You’ll Accomplish This Year
Wishing and hoping is great on New Year’s Eve, and everyone participates in that. But creating a game plan is much, much better. Before you get started, make sure that you have realistic goals in mind.
The above resolutions are great because they’re attainable. You can easily join Facebook groups, get a new design, take a class. Saving up for an event may be harder. But don’t just THINK about it.
Most people do NOT go from beginner to stardom. It takes LOTS of hard work, focus, determination. Where does your show need the most work? Do you have the branding spot-on but your audio could be better? Do you still have to do EVERYTHING yourself? Is your content award-winning but your website an embarrassing mess? (If you said “what website,” I recommend you become a member of Podcast Websites RIGHT NOW!)
Choose ONE area to focus on, at least for the first 6 months of 2019 and really get that aspect to a point where it’s as good as it’s going to be. Then focus on the next, then the next.
Write a wish list of everything you’d buy or spend on your podcast if you had all the money in the world. Then, look at that list and decide the following.
- what’s the most important thing;
- what can you get done yourself;
- which things you really should outsource because you have no business doing them?
That’s your get-going list. And, as always, we are here for you! Comment below or post in our Facebook group, or in our Academy forum.
If you have any questions about how to become a member, book a call with our Head of Podcaster Relations! Being a member of Podcast Websites solves a lot of the above problems – we offer communication, beautiful design and 24/7 support.
Let’s go shine in 2019!
Book Your Chat With James Now And See How We Can Help You Shine in 2019
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Podcasters all across the world are transforming from simply producing audio to becoming a monetised, influential brand with Podcast Websites. When you're ready to become an audio influencer in your niche, we're here for you.
Ready to monetize your audience & become an audio influencer?
Podcasters all across the world are transforming from simply producing audio to becoming a monetised, influential brand with Podcast Websites. When you're ready to become an audio influencer in your niche, we're here for you.